Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Mr Crow

Beautiful crow perched on the wire so still.

Autumn leaves

I was struck by how awesome these leaves looked, lit by the street light yesterday.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

"Sin Free" Baked Apples

I have some friends who are following a diet..so I made these "Sin Free" baked apples for dessert..they turned out really good actually..of course if you add custard or cream, well that's your choice.... ;-)

Cooking apples, I use Bramleys, take the core out and cut the skin round the middles so they don't burst...fill with shop bought Mincemeat and sprinkle with ground Cinnamon...so no added sugar...bake until soft and fluffy.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Armistice Day 11/11/11

 I got this poppy whilst in London, made by a soldier.

It's 93 years since the end of WW1 today. 11/11/11...remembering how fortunate we are to have the heroes who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to give us our freedoms. We are grateful and we will remember.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Bonfire night

I love this time of year...all the sounds and scents..smoke, fireworks, Parkin and candlelight.

Beautiful moon..

A Golden Temple in action.

Writing names with sparklers is always fun.


We went to an organised bonfire the night before, here's the photos:

Poor old Guy sat on top awaiting his fate.

Guy didn't last long...

Some serious rockets and fireworks..

Cheeky squirrel

I refilled the bird feeder station for the first time this winter and someone was obviously taking note...he didn't take long to empty the peanuts and bury them all over the garden!